If you are facing foreclosure of your home, you are certainly not alone. Florida has one of the highest foreclosure rates in the United States.
  • You may have purchased a home with the expectation that it would go up in value; instead, it has actually dropped in value: even below what you owe on it, with no foreseeable increase in value in the future. 
  • Perhaps you lost your job due to the economy, and your mortgage payments are now unaffordable. 
  • Maybe you transferred your interest in the marital home in a divorce, but your former spouse is no longer able to afford the mortgage payments. 
  • Or you’ve attempted a loan modification for many months and now find yourself in foreclosure with no real explanation why the bank is no longer pursuing the loan modification with you. 
These are all too common scenarios. Yet, you still have options. There are a number of ways to fight foreclosure in Florida. Your approach should take nothing for granted and nothing at face value. Make the party suing you prove it actually owns the mortgage is the best defense. By doing so, you will be in a much better position than if you walk away from your property or obtain the loan modification you sought originally. Once you take a stand and make them prove they own your loan, you will give yourself the upper hand in negotiating with them. In some cases it is possible to get the foreclosure case dismissed, modify the terms of the mortgage so that they are more favorable to you, get the lender to rewrite the terms of the loan, get the lender to accept a deed in lieu of foreclosure, or negotiate a short sale.

If you have been served with a foreclosure complaint or are behind on your mortgage payments, you need to speak with a Florida Foreclosure Attorney about your case. We can discuss your options with you and develop a course of action that protects your financial and personal interests.
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